Dunedin Colorectal Cohort
The Dunedin Colorectal Cohort was established in 1995 to facilitate clinically translatable research investigating the development and spread of cancer. The Cohort provides an avenue for researchers to access gifted patient biospecimens and clinical data to answer research questions about cancer.
The DNCRC supports multiple research groups across the University of Otago. DNCRC-supported research covers the following topics;
Patterns of genetic and non-genetic changes in colorectal cancers and understanding how these patterns may contribute to the spread of cancer
Types and function of cells in the tumour microenvironment and their role in cancer development and spread
Investigating how to predict cancer recurrence and patient outcomes
Methods of cancer cell isolation from the blood of patients with colorectal cancer to facilitate research into cancer without the need for cancer tissue
Contact: Ms Sonya Fenton, Assistant Research Fellow, Department of Surgical Sciences, Dunedin School of Medicine, University to Otago
Email: sonya.fenton@otago.ac.nz
Website: https://blogs.otago.ac.nz/dncrc/
DNCRC Governance Committee
Associate Professor Sharon Pattison (Chair), Department of Medicine, Dunedin School of Medicine
Professor Roslyn Kemp, Department of Immunology and Microbiology, University of Otago
Professor Mik Black, Department of Biochemistry, University of Otago
Dr Deborah Wright, Department of Surgical Science, Dunedin School of Medicine, University of Otago
Associate Professor Aniruddha Chatterjee, Department of Pathology, Dunedin School of Medicine, University of Otago
Dr Sarah Diermeier, Department of Biochemistry, University of Otago
Associate Professor Mark Thompson-Fawcett, Department of Surgical Sciences, Dunedin School of Medicine.
Ms Takiwai Russell-Camp, Kai Tahu, Kati mamoe, Waitaha. Māori representative, Department of Medicine, University of Otago
Ms Martine Matapo, Pacific Islander Representative, Dunedin Colorectal Cohort
Ms Julia Black (PGDip BHL), Patient representative, Dunedin Colorectal Cohort